Taipei 101

Taipei 101

viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

A bit late but 3 MONTHS IN TAIWAN!!!!!

Hello everybody! Last saturday was 22nd of november which means I've been in Taiwan for 3 months. I honestly can't believe I've been here for 3 months. I don't have too much to say because I've been at home for 2 weeks because I injured my feet. But even if I stayed at home for two weeks, the best thing is that I got closer to my host mum. She cares a lot about me and she doesn't want me to feel pain, she took me to the doctor and she is always there for me. During this past weeks I also realized that I'm able to talk chinese! (I know I said this before but I'm just so proud) I can chat with my mum and talk about lots of things, of course I have to say some things in english but we try our best to speak in chinese.
On sunday we have the district's country fair where we have to talk about our countries to the future exchange students from Taiwan so they can choose a host country.
Lucia, Sara and I are going to talk about Spain, the culture, the language and abour our lifes there so we thought it could be great if they can try spanish food. So tomorrow we are going to try our best to cook some spanish dishes.
Next weekend I'm going to Taichung with my Rotary Club for the weekend, I'm really looking forward to go because my mum told me is a beautiful city. 
I have lots of pictures and videos that I want to post here but I'm very lazy to upload them to my laptop. So I was thinking that maybe I could create a youtube channel to share everything with the world but I don't know yet.
So yeah, that's all for the moment! Bye xx

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

A little update

Hello everyone!
Today's a relaxing day at home, quite boring too. Yesterday I went to see the doctor because my feet hurt since long time ago. So I had tendinitis and the doctor gave me lots of pills. It hurts me a lot when I walk so today and tomorrow I'm going tk stay at home. My time here is being amazing, in 10 days is going to be 3 months since I arrived and now I can say I'm feeling great here, I'm improving a lot in chinese and I'm able to talk with my family a little of chinese. Today has been raining during all the day and I love it because that means winter is coming!
I have learnt lots of things about Taiwan and it's culture so far and I hope I can learn more. I LOVE TAIWAN!  ❤