Taipei 101

Taipei 101

domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2014

Merry Christmas from Taiwan!

Merry Christmas everybody!
This week has been strange and exciting at the same time. We had lots of Rotary meetings and parties for the exchange students. We also have a two weeks break so we don`t have chinese class. On tuesday I usually have my chinese classbut I asked my host mum if I could stay at home, I went to have lunch with two friends, Anna and Charlotte and in the afternoon I went with my mum to paint our nails on a very christmassy style. Since some time ago I want to buy a pair of new shoes so after I went to buy them, they were expensive but they are really prety and comfortable. On wednesday morning I went to school for having lunch with Lisa's classmates, they bought pizza because she's leaving soon. Then we went to a really cool hotel where we had a Christmas Party. We got the chance to meet the Rotary International President and we danced alltogether christmas carrols. When I got home at night my host mum had a present for me, so my host brother did.
Thrusday was Christmas day, so as I always do I spent it in family, it didnt matter if it wasnt my family back in Spain cause I also do love my family here in Taiwan.
Taiwan dosesn`t have Christmas break so on friday I had to go to school. Yesterday we had another 'Christmas Party' where we perfomed for japanese students.
On New Year all the exchange students are going to watch the fireworks at Taipei 101 and the spanish people are going to eat the 12 grapes.

lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2014

Winter solstice in Taiwan

Yesterday was officially winter here in Taiwan. When I arrived home it smells like incense which I really like. My host mum had been praying because of the winter solstice, she also had two bowls with a kind of balls made of rice, they can have sesame inside too. Apparently they eat them this day and when you do, then you are a year older. It was super curious, so now I'm a year older!

domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014

4 meses en Taiwan|| 四個月了在台灣 !

Hoy 22 de diciembre hace 4 meses desde que llegue a Taiwan, es increible lo rapido que puede llegar a pasar el tiempo, lo que se puede llegar a hacer en 4 meses. Antes de empezar mi intercambio sabia que era un año único, que vivias una vida en un año, y que las amistades que se hacen durante este año son para siempre.
Durante estos 4 meses han pasaso muchas cosas, mucha gente ha entrado y salido de mi vida y otras estan ahi desde el principio. Sigue fascinandome como podemos ser tan cercanos, llevarnos tan bien con alguien que solo conocemos hace 4 meses y que puede que al principio no hablásemos.
Despues de 4 meses ya tengo mi grupo de amigos cercanos, los que se que puedo hablar con ellos, que son como yo, que piensan como yo, los que tienen cosas en común.
Ayer mi distrito tuvo un concurso de discursos, teniamos que hablar durante tres minutos en chino, el tema podias elegirlo. Tenían un timbre con el que controlaban el tiempo. Me sentí muy orgullosa porque poder escribir mi discurso en chino, poder hablar en chino cuando llevo aqui 4 meses sin haber estudiando chino antes es un logro para mi. Estaba nerviosa y tenia miedo de que se me olvidase lo que tenia que decir y me lleve el papel al escenario, por eso quedo un poco mal porque tambien contaban si leias o no. Pero yo estoy orgullosa igual. En alrededor de un mes tambien cambiaré de familia. Estoy triste por dejar mi familia actual porque creo que mi madre y yo tenemos muy buena relación, pero tambien contenta por ver como sera vivir en mi nueva familia.
La Navidad aqui no se celebra, no tienen vacaciones, van al colegio el 24/25/31. En las casas rara vez se ven decoraciones y es por eso que no parece Navidad.
No me apetecia escribir en ingles porque mi cabeza esta saturada de chino e inglés. Ayer Lisa me dijo que le gustaba mi acento y que cree que mi ingles es muy bueno... NO PUEDO EXPLICAR MI CARA DE FELICIDAD CUANDO LO DIJO!!!! porque estar aqui con americanos, canadienses, australianos e incluso europeos que hablan ingles perfecto te hace pensar que si de verdad los años que has estudiado ingles han servido para algo -_-.
No se que mas decir solo queria escribir por los 4 meses
Bye bye

sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2014

Day 101 in Taipei

Hi everyone! Day 101 was maybe 2 weeks ago(?) But as I always forget to post and day 101 was pretty cool I wanted to write something on this blog. So basically in the morning I went to the hospital to see how my foot was going, (is slowly getting better thanks) and then because I wasn't  going to school I spent the full fay with my mum (love her). She took me to Shilin where there's is a park full of flowers. The flowers were there since November 1st so as it was the end of November there weren't as many as before but I did like it anyway.
More important things!
I started a Youtube channel with a french girl at my school, not sure if we are going to film more videos, but you can watch the first one cause it's very funny! (I leave the link at the end)
On Tuesday I recieved my Christmas box that my mum sent me. It was full of FOOD and clothes. What else could I ask for? Haha
On the same day I met another spanish girl, Lola, who lives in a town not too far from Taipei (sorry but I don't remember the name) I took her to Taipei 101 to buy a advent calendar
The weather is finally getting a bit colder, they don't have heaters so inside places it's colder than outside. Now everything looks more christmassy. There's a Christmas Village in Banqiao, it's very pretty at night, it has a lot of lights so it looks beautiful. Christmas here is nothing so I miss it a lot because I'm like a little kid at Christmas :(
So that's it for this week, thanks for reading bye bye!

Ver "Our First YouTube Video! || Exchange Student" en YouTube - Our First YouTube Video! || Exchange Student: