Taipei 101

Taipei 101

martes, 27 de enero de 2015

17th birthday in Taiwan

Last friday was my birthday. I have to say that I do not like the number 17 and I don't like being 17 either. But it was an amazing birthday weekend starting from friday morning when I went to school amd my classmates were waiting me with a chocolate cake and some presents, I had lunch with two friends (Salma and Cristal) after going shopping of course, how couldn't I go shopping? Then I met another two friends at a cafe to had a quick drink. Then my first host family took me to have dinner. We went to a barbecue place, I have to say it was the best barbecue I've had in 5 months!!!! My host brother and his girlfirend gave me a beautiful bracelet that I'll always wear. My host mum gave me a beautiful necklace and my host sister (even if she is in America) gave me some chocolate. Later we went to buy birthday cake, they bought me chocolate with mango cake (they know me so well ❤) I finished my day in CKS Memorial Hall, we were alone in the hole place, my mum sent me a package from Spain and I opened it there. It was amazing because that place is so beautiful and big. On saturday my friend Lola from Spain (Lola si lees esto eres una porculera) came to my house and sleep there. We went to a Toasteria place in Dunhua with some girls Lily, Holly, Anna, Gigi, Cecilia, Francesca, Sara, Lucia, Charlotte, Lola and me. I was so happy for having such a good friends during my exchange. Then Francesca, Lola and I went to the Botanical Garden and we watched a movie after. On sunday my second host family took me to have lunch at a typical japanese house, the place was amazing and the food wasn't bad. Then Lola and I went to her host mum house here in Taipei to wait Sara and go together for having pizza and mango ice.
It was an AMAZIIIIINGGGG BIRTHDAAAY so thank you so much to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, love you all!

martes, 13 de enero de 2015

Oldies departure+only 6 months left????

Last weekend was a sad one, we had to say bye to the people who were waiting for us when we arrived, who helped us during the first months, who made our life so much easier. I still can't understand how you can get so close with someone in only 5 months. Some of the people who left have been so important in my exchange so far, more people will be part of it for sure but I will always remember the ones that helped us in the begging, when I was lost and scared of what could happen. With the departure of my oldies another shocking sentence comes: "oh, we have half a year left" wow, I can only say wow. Already 5 months here and only 6 left. People always say that time goes fast when you are enjoying your life but I didn't realise until I arrived Taiwan. I couldn't be more grateful for having such an amazing life here. I can thank them enough for all they've done for me, especially Lisa who had to deal with me and my problems every single time. I'm gonna miss you guys, thank you for the amazing time we had together!

lunes, 5 de enero de 2015

Pizza night, Wulai and changed host family

This Christmas break has been strange but it was a break anyway. New year's was amazing and different from every year. A spanish girl who lives in another city came to Taipei and she stayed at my home. We ate the 12 grapes as we do in Spain.
At midnight there were fireworks from Taipei 101 and it was so beautiful
On january the 2nd all the family when together to eat pizza and fried chicken to a pizza place in Sun Yat Sen it was really good and I really enjoyed it cause it was the last day I could spend some time with all of them
On the 3rd my home mom and dad topk me to Wulai. The landscapes were AMAZING, everything was green and there was a river and a super cool bridge that crossed the river.
Yesterday I changed host family, I was so amazed cause it's just unbelievable how fast I got close to them, I really felt like if we were a family so when I left them to go with my new family I almost cried.
My new host family I think is also nice, maybe a bit too strict. I have a younger sister who is 15 she is really cool, today we went together to take MRT. The house is different from my last family's but I just need time to get used to it. I live in the same line where my school is so I don't need to transfer which is great. My room is smaller than the last one but I have the wardrobe is bigger. The bed is for two people as in the other room but the mattress is very tough.