Taipei 101

Taipei 101

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

Trip to Hualien

February 27th was a national holiday so my host family decided to go on a trip to Hualien for 3 days. Hualien is in the east cost of Taiwan has the largest area of all counties in Taiwan,
is one of thenine national parks in Taiwan and was named after the Taroko Gorge, the landmark gorge of the park. The park spans Taichung, Taitung and Hualien.
We also went to the beach, swimming is not allowed because the sea is really deep but the view was amazing. The weather is hotter compared to Taipei and the air is fresher.
We also stopped at a place full of flowers and  took some pictures (most of the pictures in the post are from meimei's camera)

This one is a bit weird I know, the thing is that when we were at Taroko a woman came to me and say: look up and tell me what you see. So I looked up and I was like: erm... I don't see anything. Then she was like: don't you see Taiwan's shape? So yeah, it looks pretty similar, it was sooo hard to take a proper picture but it doesn't look bad