Taipei 101

Taipei 101

lunes, 30 de junio de 2014

About the trip

In only 52 days I'm leaving Spain! I can't believe it, time pass so so fast! I have too many things to do before leaving, yesterday I chose which clothes I'll bring with me to Taiwan, it was quite difficult because I love clothes and this stuff and it's hard for me to choose... Today I went to the dentist to take one of my tooth off... pain is killing me! I also have to think about the presents for my host families and to be honest, I have no idea of what should I buy... I have to buy my suitcase too. So, there're too many things to do...
My first host family lives in Sanchong District in New Taipei

1 comentario:

  1. Mi prima bella !. Muchísimas felicitaciones por este hermoso reto que estas emprendiendo !. Así como en su momento hable con Agustín y Matías; Quiero decirte que no hay país tan lejano ni mar tan profundo que me impida mandarte mis cariños. Y por ultimo quiero que aproveches al máximo cada minuto allí, aprendiendo y empapandote de esa bella cultura, sobre todo cuidate y SE FELÍZ !. Te amamos muchísimo (Yo más); Tío Luis, Primas Andrella & Luli y tu primo el más bello !.
