In only 52 days I'm leaving Spain! I can't believe it, time pass so so fast! I have too many things to do before leaving, yesterday I chose which clothes I'll bring with me to Taiwan, it was quite difficult because I love clothes and this stuff and it's hard for me to choose... Today I went to the dentist to take one of my tooth off... pain is killing me! I also have to think about the presents for my host families and to be honest, I have no idea of what should I buy... I have to buy my suitcase too. So, there're too many things to do...
My first host family lives in Sanchong District in New Taipei
Mi prima bella !. Muchísimas felicitaciones por este hermoso reto que estas emprendiendo !. Así como en su momento hable con Agustín y Matías; Quiero decirte que no hay país tan lejano ni mar tan profundo que me impida mandarte mis cariños. Y por ultimo quiero que aproveches al máximo cada minuto allí, aprendiendo y empapandote de esa bella cultura, sobre todo cuidate y SE FELÍZ !. Te amamos muchísimo (Yo más); Tío Luis, Primas Andrella & Luli y tu primo el más bello !.